Arnhild KART
Via Dei Colli 50
Fraz. Marcellano
I - 06035 - Gualdo Cattaneo (PG)
cell.: 0039 333 1739325 - -
We inform the users of this site that all texts and photos are protected by law.
Therefore, they are intended for personal/didactic use only and cannot be used or published neither for private nor for commercial use
without explicitly requesting permission by email to the artist who will evaluate, from time to time, the specific case.
All images, graphics and illustrations are the property of "Arnhild KART", which also holds the rights of use.
Therefore, they are intended for personal/didactic use only and cannot be used or published neither for private nor for commercial use without explicitly requesting permission by email to the artist who will evaluate, from time to time, the specific case.
All images, graphics and illustrations are the property of "Arnhild KART", which also holds the rights of use.